The Scourging of Our Lord

Physical CD
“Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins.”
When we consider the Eternal Son of God scourged at the pillar to repair the infinite offense of our sins, we are overwhelmed with the realization of God’s love for His creatures. In this audio meditation, taken from our book, Meditations and Reflections, we ponder the shedding of Christ’s Blood which was prefigured in the Old Testament, Its infinite value, the constant renewal of the covenant between God and His people through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and Christ’s burning desire to shed every last drop of His Blood for our salvation. May the consideration of these facts move hearts to make a return of love and gratitude to so good a Savior.
O Precious Blood, shed to the very last drop by the opening of the Sacred Heart, give us that generous love that sacrifices all for God!